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Everyone is a Perfect Expression of Spirit

Everyone is a perfect expression of Spirit - how far from reality does that feel some days, for myself and for those that seem to upset me. I say seem to upset me because no one can make me feel anything. I am the only one that can decide how I react or feel about someone or something. So today's message for me is to remind me that we all are perfect expressions of Spirit who are here living and learning and making choices every day to the best of our abilities.

So I try to think of it this way. I'm here on earth stumbling around trying to find my way back to my Godliness and all of the souls in heaven look down and say, hey, who wants to volunteer to give Sheryl a hard time so that she can learn how to be at peace no matter what might be happening around her. And some gracious soul raises their hand and says, "Its a tough job, but I'll do it" and they appear and give me a hard time.

My peace comes when and if I can remember that we are both, all, perfect expressions of Spirit and no matter what might be appearing otherwise, it just isn't the truth about any of us if it deviates from this fact. Do people sometimes do desperate or mean things? Of course they do, but if the meaning of life is to give and receive love then those mean and desperate things are only a cry for love from someone that needs it and perhaps they are in my life so that I can learn to give it no matter what they might be doing outwardly.

This song by the Roches but it is one of my favorites and communicates this message very well:

Everyone is Good by The Roches

I would like to be a person who does not judge Free to be me whatever that might be I don't want to hold a position, don't want to hold a grudge 'Cause it seems to be the cause of a lot of misunderstanding Heartbreak misery

Looking in your eyes you're different from me Why does it have to be that one of us is better Can't we both be beautiful even if we don't agree Like the flowers in the garden and the animals in the wood Each one with a purpose and each one is God Everyone is good

Nobody's God says hate your neighbor Even if the neighbor doesn't believe in God Put aside your religion do your God a favor And wouldn't it be something to be loving and kind Forgive yourself for everything having once been blind

Everyone is good

Everyone is a perfect expression of Spirit.


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